Wednesday, July 6, 2016

7/6_BGI, FORD, VSR, TRCH_Day2 MOMO player is my fatal weakness!!!!

momo player's day2 is always choppy and has very low degree of predictability. Thankfully I didn't have shares to short at ST otherwise I would fuck up like yesterday. whew.... I am afraid to fund CP account at this moment. But on the flip side had I had shares to short I would probably ss at $4 and caught $1 downside. The key when trading these momo player on day 2 is patience!!!! let it do its thing before step in!!!! Rather miss it than cry lossing $$.

it spiked 2 minutes before the opened so I didn't ss. I was planning to wait for the open to get ss. but Still caught the bounce. good trades.

Been waiting whole day to crack but didn't happen. Respect the price action and got out! Scratch.

Biggest gainer of the day. Got scared due to BGI yesterday but at the same time thought lots of people treat it like BGI yesterday so it's a perfect sympathy play. I was lucky that by the time I saw it it was at $1.50ish otherwise I may jump o it earlier. It's got 2 halts on the upside and 1 halt on the downside so a little tricky but nailed it.

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