Wednesday, July 20, 2016

7/20_OPTT, OPGN_HUGE MISTAKE again!!!!! Can't help it!!!

Was short biased from the get go and thinking that all the shorts were out due to craziness yesterday and now lots of longs chasing it but again wrong!!! I located 2k shares and used them all. It was a strange feeling that I think pullback is due. It did pullback BUT failed to crack below $10 and that's HUGE red flag!!!!!!!! $10 is the top of 2 days earlier. So I covered all and longed some.

Ended up having 1200 shares long with avg $10.86 and sold 500 shares at $11.42 for 2 reasons: 1) it was chase long 2)I am not quite sure if it could keep going or not.
Glad I kept 700 shares and got out near $14. Then I avoided it the rest of day b/c I wasn't sure whether it could unwind or hold up and do EOD squeeze. No guessing game so I stayed away.

This is the trade that got me fucked again. Again I don't regret my entry. I saw it stuffed so took short but the real problem is as soon as I realized I was wrong I didn't go ahead and do the right thing by taking whole position off. I did try to cover some at $2.37 but for whatever reason I canceled my order when it was filling. I thought hey sellers appeared maybe it was  about time but wrong AGAIN!!! It went to full panic squeezing mode all way to $3. I got lucky that ss near the top and covering whole position in the pullback due to horrible average. Glad I did that b/c this is what happens later.......

Then I did midday ss but it was emotional and reckless entry. I chased down the weakness and got emotional and bailed myself out then next minute it cracked lol. I threw patience out of window and paid my price.

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