Monday, July 25, 2016


CCCL surprised lots of pals including me. I went from up big to breakeven then down big!
The main takeaway is "do NOT add to loser". Stop trying to make it work!!! when stop loss lvl is triggered, just get out!! I made the mistake not only I didn't get out but added to loser.

I left my order there so it got filled and I was waiting waiting for that bail out pullback but it never came. It go go go to the point that my loss got snowballed. Another example telling me how important stop loss order is !!! Once it's reached, just get the fuck out!!!!
I did reduced the damage a little but still it was -$5k Day.

Was unfortunately wrong on these three so I cut my loss and got out. SPU I really thought it could do more b/c it seems $20 was basing but nope it pulled. good exit before it went to $17 later the day.
BLPH and BSPM good exit too, both of them went lower later.
One bad thing is "position size" with BLPH. I used too much size on it and got smoked. The market today is different from last week's. Small cap didn't run as much as it did. It's important to survive and keep adapting. I guess small cap mania has pretty much ended along with OPTT, GBR, KONE pulled. Any big gap since tomorrow I am looking to ss with set risk of course!!!

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