Friday, July 15, 2016


Tough Day, MR lost more than $30k and AT09 made a little over $20k. Monetary No. don't tell much the story, how well or bad you trade. I am very grateful that I stayed green today. OPTT and SPU used to be the setup I got myself into trouble and bailed myself out by eating losses.

Very fortunate that I was on the right track from the get go. My plan was buying into morning washout and anticipated to r/g and breakout. I got out tooo early because of bad memory in the past.One thing was I should have reshorted it when it was holding solid base.

Located 1500 shares at Vision for ss. got out first one up $700ish but turned winner into loser. This thing was tooo choppy. I thought the momentum had shifted but I was wrong. Then it did nasty HOD stuffing again so I reshorted but again bids kept popping up so I covered again. Very frustrated trades!
There is no reason to short it when it was holding after 12pm on Friday!!! NO REASON!!

Very glad I didn't get myself into deep hole. MR lost $30k on it. Very choppy and trappy action but hey it was holding above VWAP the whole time!!!!! so Why fight???? after taking ss but it was holding just take the position off. Remember you can always come back!!! Eliminate the uncertainty and protect your prafolio is No.1 priority

Another nice trap for short sellers. Glad I got myself out before the lull. Not a usual day today, I believe OPTT and SPU lit fire on it. When it was approaching HOD I should got long!! Again I missed it, completely took eyes off it and when I saw the spike it was too late.

It was Cody's idea so I took small chase long. didn't workout so I took it off. Glad that I did b/c it went to below $.50 later.

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