Friday, July 29, 2016


lots of stuffing but choppy price action so I covered. Had I had better avg I would continue hold

on everyone's rada and looks long crowded so I sold. good trade.

Heavy long. Same action as with many other players recently. rip pull, rip pull then it gets heavy near HOD range. But at the same time it was holding the trend so lots of dip buyers were long it then boom profit taking shake out all dip buyers. I anticipated vwap .50 lvl stuff so entered ss position and that was my main damage. then it just chopped around, up and down. This is the same action happening right now, when you think of short, wait!!!!!!! give it half hour to do its thing before size in!!!! I was once again subject to FOMO and bailed myself out. FOMO in this market kills!!!!
Lots of emotional entries!!!!! that's very short sighted!!!!!!!!! In this market the correct way to trade is cautiously picking an entry point and trade around that level!!!!! Like Michail said, the stock has to do my way not the other way around.

Thursday, July 28, 2016


Frustrated day as I turned a green okay day into terrible -$1500 day.
Obvious long is not a good long!!!!!! As goes to no brainer short is not a good short!!!! Remember the crowd came across same information and data!!!! When you think it's a good long the chance is millions of others long it too so profit taking can happen anytime!!!!!!!!!!! I made the same mistake twice within half hr. Every single day different type of mistake............ I hate trading!!!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


market has changed today. Sheep used to chase those low price, low float, small cap stocks were gone. The craziness of the past two days squeezed short sellers out, the sentiment and this type of irrational bullish atmosphere created the price action of MDGS. .

Yes, I almost got myself into trouble again. I was thinking to ss small into $2.50s pullback thinking the move is over but a $3 surprising spike squeezed some short sellers out then it started showing weakness with big bidder sitting at $3. So I took a chance ss hammer into that and it followed by a big red candle which tells me this is the backside of the move but still not 100% sure about it as Nate was bullish and planned buying dips in the chat. This is why it's so important to think outside of the box and adapt and adjust your strategies accordingly. It went far off what I expected.

good late day bounce ss!!!

good trade but didn't workout.
I don't know if the crazy market has ended or not will see tomorrow. But today it seems all the low float did what they did. I made small but fortunate that I ss into backside of the move. In the past I would definitely sized in from the first candle and add add add all the way up and emotionally covered some near the top. it's call FOMO!!!!! Remember Michail Shadkin said, rather miss the trade than early!!!! Avoid early at all cost!!!! Yes the stock looks under big selling pressure which literally happened today on MDGS, and KOOL and CCCL yesterday but understand that we are in a crazy, bullishly irrational market! The entire world is looking to buy them at any price!!!!!!! as long as the criteria fitted. 1) stock under $10, 2)low float, 3)percentage gainer 4)volume, They don't care the reason behind the move!!!! They see it and send it market order. This period literally started from DGLY, OPTT, and SPU earlier this month!!!!!!! I lost big fortune this month because I failed to adapt and adjust the way to trade!!!! But very grateful that I survived, learned and became a better trader than before!!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Same mistake :
1)failed to take it off when HOD breakout, tried to convince self it could be HOD stuffing.
2)"Position Size" was wayyyyy toooo big.
3)added to loser
4)didn't respect the stop loss order. Having "I will see what it does" mentality
5)when it pulled back and held above $5, that was huge danger sign but I only covered a small portion of it.
The main mistake was again refused to take position off into weak pullback.

After took huge 5 figure loss I went into full revenge mode so I took a big long position. Initially it worked out but I wanted more and boom sold into the washout.
Today is perfect example showing you that when everyone is watching and doing the same thing, it can go to the opposite direction!!!!I was right on morning stuffing action but hey!!! A thousands of other traders were coming across same data and information!!! I saw stuffing the chance is they saw stuffing toooo!!! Smart trader would keep position small and immidiately covered when it continued going upward. I was the stubborn one keep holding, wishing, rationalizing, gambling!!!
It's hard to continue trade after taking big loss like this. I fully understand what it feels like when Nikko and Tim Grattani was taking half million dollar loss. It's demoralizing!!!! I doubt if I can sleep well tonight. But this is what it is. You have to hold your action accountable! Life is fair, whatever you do it comes with the price. Yes I am still up YTD but I just put my July month in the red zone!! I don't know if I can take this anymore. Just like Nikko and Tim said there were several occasions that they thought while they were still ahead of the game, why not packed up and end this??!!!!! This is the feeling coming through my head now. While I am still green YTD, why not cease trading and find a normal job, a more happy and less stressful job. But I can't!!! I worked so hard, been through so much!! I put a lot of time and efforts in it !!! I can't give up!!!!! Yes I want to give up but I can't!!!! This is the only job that you could have a chance to make $10k a day!!!  It took Tim Grattani a year to make a new equity high and it took lx21 greg a year to recover from a million dollars loss. All successful traders went there traumatic moments and they survived!! Why can't you??!!!!

Monday, July 25, 2016


CCCL surprised lots of pals including me. I went from up big to breakeven then down big!
The main takeaway is "do NOT add to loser". Stop trying to make it work!!! when stop loss lvl is triggered, just get out!! I made the mistake not only I didn't get out but added to loser.

I left my order there so it got filled and I was waiting waiting for that bail out pullback but it never came. It go go go to the point that my loss got snowballed. Another example telling me how important stop loss order is !!! Once it's reached, just get the fuck out!!!!
I did reduced the damage a little but still it was -$5k Day.

Was unfortunately wrong on these three so I cut my loss and got out. SPU I really thought it could do more b/c it seems $20 was basing but nope it pulled. good exit before it went to $17 later the day.
BLPH and BSPM good exit too, both of them went lower later.
One bad thing is "position size" with BLPH. I used too much size on it and got smoked. The market today is different from last week's. Small cap didn't run as much as it did. It's important to survive and keep adapting. I guess small cap mania has pretty much ended along with OPTT, GBR, KONE pulled. Any big gap since tomorrow I am looking to ss with set risk of course!!!

Friday, July 22, 2016

7/22_GBR, KONE, TCCO, SMIT_Another ridiculous day!

No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't get my habit corrected. I still entered the position wayyyyy tooooo early even that subconsciously I know that we are in crazy small cap low float flying market I still entered the position tooo early. Can't help it. But I think it's not just me, MR, Tim Grittani had the same issue. It takes lots of efforts and conscious awareness and discipline to fix it. Starting next week, I would rather miss the trade!!!!! And I am going to size down BIG!!! Until have got my issue fixed.

Clearly danger sign was there when it was gearing above VWAP and testing HOD, it's definitely not a short!!!!!!! It's a fucking long!!!!!!!! I was unfortunately subject to "position bias", instead of cutting entire position off I emotionally added to the losing position trying to make it work and this is the price I paid. Fully deserve it!!

I was fighting on the front side for no real reason whatsoever. This is the market that you don't want to be a hero. Stop trying to call the top!!!!!! ONLY wait for a lvl get tested, retested, stuffed then restuffed before entry!!!! There is no point guesstimate where the top is.
However I did do the right thing covering everything and flipped long before the secondary spike took off. That was the only silver lining trading this ticker. The rest of day it got choppy, stuffing and absorbing at the same time so I avoided it the rest of day. Tough one.

Ended up making $8k on this trade but MAN!!!! at the peak I was down $5K!!!! it's totally not worth the frustration, emotional swing to make that money. RR stinks!!!!!!!!!
Same mistake over and over again!!!!!! Short toooo early toooo big!!!!!! No matter how many times I told myself to exercise patience and wait for valid resistance lvl to short but I just couldn't do it!!!!!

Same mistake as TCCO. Just pure emotional and feeling ss with no plan!!!! Man I really costed big on my account. Same mistake 3 times in 1 day!!!!!! What the FUCK!!!

This is the ONLY good trade I made in terms risk vs reward. Good entry, good exit!!! A tough one but I played it well.

Thursday, July 21, 2016


Another tough and frustrated day.....did both good and bad trades...glad I kept myself green

OPTT finally pulled but man it was a tough one. Midday offering killed it. I don't know what would happen if no offering was announced, would it go back above VWAP??? As a short seller you have to keep trying. Remember Grittani ss and covered MGT many times before hit big. You don't know when it would happen but as long as keep entry near the stop out lvl and reward outweight risk it's a good trade. 

The secondary spike got me panic covered some but as soon as I saw HOD stuffing I put shares back on. Then it just slowly faded thru the day. 

I am very proud that I didn't ss into weakness of this low float + SSR stock. I waited for the strength then hammed it. Works out well. 

This is tough one. It went over extended far beyond rational people can imagine. I ss $7 which I thought was the top but turned out I was wrong and I didn't cut my position when it kept going upward. I knew the top is near so I asked for more borrows but they ran out. at $9 I was down more than $2k. What a undisciplined trade!!!!! Then it pullback $2 in 2 candles but I failed to take it off. The reason was OPTT and many other small cap turds started pulling so I thought it's finally KONE's turn but turned out I was wrong AGAIN. This is the part gets extremely frustrated and irritated. As a trader I was wrong again and again, countless times. But it's okay. The key is not about right or wrong!!! the key is about what to do when you are wrong!! When you are wrong, admit it, be wrong!!! Get out and reassess the situation. 
I did flipped to long later the day and it worked out nicely but the price action got choppy and it seemed it went from short crowded to long crowded so I sold my shares and flipped ss. BUT it was extremely choppy, it kept absorbing absorbing so I finally took it off. There is no point betting money on flipping a coin. Will revisit it tmr. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

7/20_OPTT, OPGN_HUGE MISTAKE again!!!!! Can't help it!!!

Was short biased from the get go and thinking that all the shorts were out due to craziness yesterday and now lots of longs chasing it but again wrong!!! I located 2k shares and used them all. It was a strange feeling that I think pullback is due. It did pullback BUT failed to crack below $10 and that's HUGE red flag!!!!!!!! $10 is the top of 2 days earlier. So I covered all and longed some.

Ended up having 1200 shares long with avg $10.86 and sold 500 shares at $11.42 for 2 reasons: 1) it was chase long 2)I am not quite sure if it could keep going or not.
Glad I kept 700 shares and got out near $14. Then I avoided it the rest of day b/c I wasn't sure whether it could unwind or hold up and do EOD squeeze. No guessing game so I stayed away.

This is the trade that got me fucked again. Again I don't regret my entry. I saw it stuffed so took short but the real problem is as soon as I realized I was wrong I didn't go ahead and do the right thing by taking whole position off. I did try to cover some at $2.37 but for whatever reason I canceled my order when it was filling. I thought hey sellers appeared maybe it was  about time but wrong AGAIN!!! It went to full panic squeezing mode all way to $3. I got lucky that ss near the top and covering whole position in the pullback due to horrible average. Glad I did that b/c this is what happens later.......

Then I did midday ss but it was emotional and reckless entry. I chased down the weakness and got emotional and bailed myself out then next minute it cracked lol. I threw patience out of window and paid my price.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016


The easy money is ss morning pops and covered below the vwap. $5 support is too strong to break. Glad I stayed away from its choppiness later the day. Both bulls and bears had hard time.

Both Eric and Splendor started ss it at $7ish. I don't know if it was due to luck or proficiency as a trader that I stayed away from shorting it earlier. I could have located it but didn't b/c it was after 11am and it was steadily grinding up and making higher lows so no reason to short until it gets ridiculous para which it did. I saw the speed up action so basically my risk point was $9.50-$10.00(previous high). It chopped around near HOD and my avg $9.38 was some where in the middle of the range so it definitely made me uncomfirtable and emotional holding it especially it made HOD breakout but I saw it was stuffing so confirtable stayed ss. It made more further attempts but didn't workout so I knew $9 support sooner or later would crack. My stop loss lvl was $9.75 break and hold. Very fortunate that it worked out. Tough one and it's very easy to size in early and got caught in add add add situation and emotionally covered $2 above first entry point. Good trade and keep up !!!!

Monday, July 18, 2016

7/18_PRKR, DGLY, XNY, CCCL, Same stupid mistake AGAIN!! MUST START THE CHANGE TMR!!!!!

Got myself into deep and dark hole again. At the peak I was down $6K. Very fortunate that I could get out this okay but man....this is account killer!!!!!!!!! Why did I throw myself into the same situation again???!!!!! Shorting para with no escape plan=suicidal!!! enact "next candle rule"and MUST start pre trading mediation and mental preparedness since tomorrow!!!!!

I thought I played it well but the reality is no, the way I traded make me a scalper. The good thing was I made money both long and short side. $3.10 stuffing should make me slam the bids but I didn't do so. It went all the way to low $2. This is the stock that trapped both long and shorts so you have to have the patience to wait for the signs before taking any action.

Good trade, good read but didn't trade enough shares and hold a little longer.

casino trade. Longed small illiquid stock and found myself hard to get out my position. Simply no buying power...

Friday, July 15, 2016


Tough Day, MR lost more than $30k and AT09 made a little over $20k. Monetary No. don't tell much the story, how well or bad you trade. I am very grateful that I stayed green today. OPTT and SPU used to be the setup I got myself into trouble and bailed myself out by eating losses.

Very fortunate that I was on the right track from the get go. My plan was buying into morning washout and anticipated to r/g and breakout. I got out tooo early because of bad memory in the past.One thing was I should have reshorted it when it was holding solid base.

Located 1500 shares at Vision for ss. got out first one up $700ish but turned winner into loser. This thing was tooo choppy. I thought the momentum had shifted but I was wrong. Then it did nasty HOD stuffing again so I reshorted but again bids kept popping up so I covered again. Very frustrated trades!
There is no reason to short it when it was holding after 12pm on Friday!!! NO REASON!!

Very glad I didn't get myself into deep hole. MR lost $30k on it. Very choppy and trappy action but hey it was holding above VWAP the whole time!!!!! so Why fight???? after taking ss but it was holding just take the position off. Remember you can always come back!!! Eliminate the uncertainty and protect your prafolio is No.1 priority

Another nice trap for short sellers. Glad I got myself out before the lull. Not a usual day today, I believe OPTT and SPU lit fire on it. When it was approaching HOD I should got long!! Again I missed it, completely took eyes off it and when I saw the spike it was too late.

It was Cody's idea so I took small chase long. didn't workout so I took it off. Glad that I did b/c it went to below $.50 later.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

7/14_OPTT, SPU

My theory was the breakout was weak and it looked like the momo was fading but was wrong. No regret taking the trade but should have downsized when it was holding and HOD stuffing(blow out candle) occurred smacked the bids!!!!
Later the day I covered emotionally into push. This is artistic part of trading when it was hanging above VWAP doesn't mean it was bullish or could continued uptrend, obvious there were selling pressure up there. But I stuck to the plan and didn't want to turn a winner into a loser so I covered breakeven.

Trying to capture the top after 12pm. Bad trade because risk reward stinks!!!! the ONLY trade in this situation is ss into abnormal para otherwise stay away from ss!!! Glad that I learned from experience that the "magnitude of pullback" is weak so I covered! CP has good execution. If using ST maybe I couldn't get out.
One important takeaway is for small cap, LOD to HOD is a bullish signal!!! LONG!!!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Scary one, 2 volatility halt to the upside, exercised patience and ss after confirmation. Safe way to make $$$$ even though it was less than what it could have been. Should resshort but didn't.

Good trade, ss into valid resistance.

These 2 are the reason I hate going long because it seems never worked out. But gladly I cut my losses quickly.