Thursday, June 8, 2017


tough day, nothing moved according to my plan but I tried to manage trades the best I could.

turns out $1.50 a/h high turns to be the top. I was cautious to short it initially because those 15millon shorts yesterday were still underwater but the openning action looked stuffy so I took the chance short it risking high but the action was too strange that it only pullback 20cents. No real seller so I covered all and even thought about long but no volume. This is no man's land. No long/short.

didn't fade like I thought so fuck it I covered!

ABIL is a real tough one. Madaz got fucked on it and lost 5 figure. Feeling greatful that I even walked away with profit on it. I made special effort not to get short on the frontside of movement. It looked lots of buying on the bids and key lvl $1.20 absorbed big and reclaimed and held so fucked it I covered all at low $1.20s. That's the rightest thing I did today whereas in the past I would stubbornly hold, wait and wish that it will go down and in reality no selling!! I mean there was selling but massive bids took them all. Nate got perfect read on it!!! At the same time $1.50-$1.60 are selling big. the best trade is no trade! I made a few attempt shorting it but didn't workout well. Cut my loss without hesitation!!
Really happy the way I traded past few days. I saw Madaz got frustrated and took losses but I made lots of conscious efforts not to get short on the frontside when no selling pressure exist and I try to avoid bad setup. The quality of setup deteriorates after 11am. NO point use size and bet on 50/50!! Remember focus the best setup and ignore everything else!!!!!

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