Monday, June 12, 2017


not an ez trade but it's tradable using prior resistance as a guide/risk. My focus was at GTXI so I took it off.

Daily chart like this always make me scared to short b/c I always thought all longs must be out but man today is morning parabolic is a great opportunity for scale in. The fast upside pushing + SSR + volatility halt got me scared I have to admit. this is piece of shit and It should worth a shot!!

the first red flag to short I noticed was when it pierced thru $4, if my short thesis was correct it shouldn't travel to $4.20 then got rejected. So I covered all accordingly and that was good trade. But again I saw support got tested so I reshorted it and that's where I dug myself hole. I noticed upside got extremely thin so I covered all took loss and flipped long.

in hindsight yes super ez just long each dip but in real time man it's difficult. But overall I managed trades-long&short well. The best trade I made was shorting $5 and noticed it held and continued to ramp and I took it off and relong it. In last hr I saw $6 looked very stuffy so I sold all and flipped short again but didn't panic like I wanted so covered all before the bell. A/h as I typed this it was at $6.60ish. I changed my bias countless times today but glad I kept my stop tight and maximize the upside the best I could. Ideally tomorrow morning rip to $8 then I am going to size the fuck in and fade it. No offering news + weak open, rather miss than early!!!

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