Tuesday, June 13, 2017


whew...what a day... traded lots of tickers.. tried to push myself to the next lvl sizing in with room to add while keep eyes on red flag relative volume and other danger signs.... not ez but I made it!!!

$5.54 is the SSR trigger point so I thought if they are smart they would trigger SSR and support it and rip it but to my disappointment they didn't do it. It had a big push, got stuffed and sold off. I took loss on long position and I used bit of size but overall I managed exits well!
Then I patiently waited for it to fizzle then sized in risking $5 o/u. Didn't unwind big at the end but it is what it is. 

abil, nuro, clnt all nailed !!! the only tricky part was CLNT's HOD push and stuff. Had I been myself before I would stop out all perhaps but glad they all worked out nicely. 

this is the headache of the day. No clear direction of it . i tried short then covered due to holding action and lack of selling then longed it but price seemed strange to me. I can't get good read of it. The quality of setup deteriorates when it made new high at 10:45am. It should be no trade after it. No long neither short but watching!!! But fuck it I located 10k shares and felt like waste if I didn't use them and partly due to FOMO and the weakness that bothered me for quite some time so I sized in, nothing huge but I couldn't help but added to loser and my size got big and keep in mind this is not ideal setup. Why the hell I used size???!!!!! The main loss was due to I shorted at $2.30s and added at $2.50ish  risking $2.50 thinking that it would get rejected but heck no it didn't happen and I covered my entire position at $2.60s realizing $5k loss. 

But what I am proud of I patiently waited for the selloff then decided to size back in. risking HOD and that worked out not perfectly but close to my anticipation. as arrows indicated there 3 times I thought this is over but heck no I was wrong everytime so on the 4th time I went ahead did the right thing covered 1/3 of position only to see it unwind a few min later lol. The main takeaway is 2 things I need to focus on: entry & timing!! Remember what is said, "avoid frontside no matter what! Rather miss than early"!!!!! But due to FOMO, afraid to waste locates and vanity I sized in too early and got my ass squeezed big!! Yes I cut my losses but man I could have done so much better!!!! Another important I need to take into consideration is today's market environment: all the low float starts heating up. It's so called mania period!!!!! I even wrote it down on the paper but man I still found myself making mistakes again. Yes it was a green day but I felt bad and sick of myself!!! Must fix it!!!!!!!!!!

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