Friday, September 30, 2016

9/30_AUPH, NVFY_Same Mistake!!! shorting on frontside with size and refuse to cover into dips!!

This chart is EXACTLY same as OPTT!!! My initial short got filled in low $3.00s but obviously I was wrong. It kept going. I don't regret my short. That wasn't the problem. As a trader I was wrong countless times. The real problem was instead of cut the position, I added to loser trying to make it work and only covered 1/3 of size into dip. 2nd mistake was my fat finger mistake covered into .40s which ballooned my realized loss to $2800ish. At this point I have to admit I was on fire. I felt unconfirtable and paying attention to every candle and print on time and sale. My read was correct but my action didn't comply to what's right. That $3..40 piercing and held really surprised me. I thought very likely it would breakout and stuff but wrong again. It started to base at .50s but barely kept its upward momo. This action got me interested so I reshort using CP at $3.56. Then finally big volume stuffing candle came and it was the beginning of the end. Same mistake as OPTT, RGSE, CATB. Gotta exhausted on the frontside of the move and lacked courage and stamina to attack the backside.

Chased down ss but didn't pan out as I planned. Stopped out. The best area to short is above .50. you missed you passed!!! There is always another trade next corner!!!

AUPH got me exhausted and lacked of conviction and confidence so didn't trade it appropriately.
Trading is never easy. It's easy to get emotional and lost sight of right things. But what Can I do? I am human and I play real money! Tired.... This is one of the most ridiculous weeks. I made big and lost big at the same time and I increased size dramatically. But after what's happened I am fortunate to end this week and month green net $11k profit. Trading is all about being able t survive. Almost every day this week I started red, 1k, 2k, 3k realized loss but I made great comeback!! That's true the gift of mine being able to bounce back from dark abyss. Resilience is the key in this career!!! Starting next month, Reduce size the first half hr of the day and ONLY hammer big when valid resistance is spotted and conviction is on !!!!! Trade what you see not what you think!! price action is the key!!!!!

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