Tuesday, September 27, 2016

9/27_RGSE, INVT_Exhaustion, Discourage, Frustration got me off it then boom~it cracked!!!!! lots of lessons!!!

Just like CCCL but glad I covered some into the pullback thinking it may get crowded. Proud that I re-attacked into the bounce! Turned red trade into green!

Crazy black swan appeared today and I am sure lots of people lost their ass big! I took short initially risking HOD but it started grinding up instead of pulled back down. I was waiting for that bail out pullback but it never came so I took the offer and got out and that was the best thing I did today!!! It kept going and volume started pouring in and that dip got me interested. It seemed no seller and big bids absorbing there so I longed some then it just took off and game on! However I should have kept half for ride but didn't. It's hard. When you are in the slump and cold streak and all the sudden you were up $5k you just threw all the rationale, logic, chart, price action our of mind and took the profit.

Surprisingly the craziness continued...It was choppy in the midday and I thought it would probably stuff couple times near HOD and pull at the end that was the typical scenario recently but nope.. wrong!!!! Massive absorption in the .80s, .90s and then it just took off and made secondary spike! I shorted countless times and all wrong! Each time I was wrong I took $200-$400 loss. No biggie. I was actually very proud of my cover on each short attempt, I remained disciplined, otherwise my loss could snowball!!!!!!! However one the biggest regret I have was I got exhausted on shorting. Just think about it, you shorted 6 times and wrong 6 times, are you going to short the 7th time?????!!!!! most likely I wouldn't!! then boom!!!! it turned out the 7th time short was the ideally POS. It always seemed easy and crystal clear on hindsight but it was difficult when facing uncertainty. As short seller, you gotta keep trying!!! I admit that I got exhausted, discouraged, frustrated so I took my eyes off. I didn't perform the best I could today. Yes I made money today BUT there were a lot of things can be improved. Timing! Trade Execution! etc......

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