Thursday, September 15, 2016

9/15_DWTI, NETE, ACST, BSPM_2 BIG mistake!!!!!!

premarket plan: ss into $90 and looking for fade below it but the setup deviates from my plan.
It puts peak at $92 then retraced. It traded inversely with USO. I emotionally covered at the top when USO made touched previous low. Totally totally emotional trade due to terrible entry I had. Had I had better entry/average, I would use $92 over/under as a guide.

NETE-I traded right, it looked very stuffy and I was right 2 hrs later. Did the right thing but went out for lunch and missed the reshort opportunity.

DWTI is the 1st big mistake and ACST is the 2nd big mistake. My plan was weak open, ssr on then squeezed but man this is clearly parabolic and r/g fail push. Why did I even long it??!!!

Huge gap down but was thinking it may be crowded so long some. didn't workout, small loss.

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