Friday, September 22, 2017


post mania period effect continuing....
this is the period I love and good at, shorting into para when rejection occurs work out beautifully.

same pattern as AKTX yesterday. Chasing in the morning and sell off after buying cease and momo shift. Clearly the buying is not as much as AKTX yesterday. People slowly start to realize the shit they buy as more and more bagholders produce.

people died after overdose so this is the grey area. $20 drop yesterday so i thought it would morning washout and rebound. Glad I smash the bids after sensing heavy action(hard to get filled).
then I monitored the volume as bullish sign and get back in. good analysis and trade mgt overall.

after saw this action I started wondering what would I do today if I didn't cover my shares yesterday at $5.91. The truth is you never gonna know what you will do until facing the real situation. It reminds me of DRYS last month when it did crazy squeeze after Kalani got out. Just like DCvipor said, "fundamental frame the trade, technical dictates the decision"!!!
no selling, get out!! simple as that!!

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