people love this kind of market but not me!!!! You get your ass squeezed big!!!! The best is not to guess the top!!! The best thing I could have done today is closing computer and come back tomorrow
CAPR why the hell shorting when stock couldn't make a new low?!!
turned $1k winner into $7k loser!!! Unbelievable!!!! Should have cut loser earlier instead of hanging around and see what it does. Mistake #2: why the fuck I keep shorting it when it goes from LOD to HOD(killer setup) and break above HOD after 11am and grinding from there?!!
it saves my day!! thank God!!!! Otherwise it's a bloody 5-figure loss day for me. Feeling sick of my trades?!?!!! Why the fuck I hanging around and shorting after 11am??!!!!!! No fucking reason to do that!!! the gain is NOT worth the risk!!!!!!!
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