Tuesday, October 18, 2016

10/18_SPEX, OPTT, BSPM_slow and crowded day but I traded well!^^

$1.50 resistance so I shorted 1.49. the main damage came from that FOMO $1.39 reshort thinking that it would keep going downward.

Great trade proud of my exit. Yes I minimized the gain but I got out immediately right after I realized I was wrong given volume surge and holding above yesterday's high couldn't go red.

Not easy trade and definitely very crowded. I avoided it right after I covered from my HOD short. Saw the massive volume surge(right shoulder) and thinking it would fade all day but wrong. I reshorted it but again that secondary volume  push got me bailed out. Great cover!!!! 0 regret of it! After I waited a while and till the momo started fizzle off I re-attack and turned loser into winner! One bad trade however was emotionally making it crack support EOD but covered right away realizing it was stupid emotional trade. Overall I traded it okay.

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