Friday, January 26, 2024



same old mistake. Bioteck+ETB+4m float=disaster. the only right thing I did was trading relatively smaller today than before and at least cut some on the way up but not enough 

CRBP-when LOD to HOD and break out convincely it's a long or at least not a short. When a stock is up >100% it's hard for me to go long. some sort of mental deficiency. If I can't make a change on that I will never reach to another lvl in this career. The best thing I did was covering all between 25-27 and NEVER look into short again. at that lvl it's a very scary thing to go long. Im just not a type of trader longing a staff at 300% and sold into 400-500%. That's just not me but in this case it would workout well. Maybe I should just avoid it in the first place and focus on others. there are so many other opportunities although the meat is not as fat as CRBP as I perceived but the risk lvl is way lower than it. It's one of my biggest weaknesses that when a stock consolidates at lower lvl I didn't cut and that's the trap manipulators setup for all shortsellers. Usually when it hanging around at upper lvl I have no problem cutting because the strength is very obvious. At LOD you always wanted to give it a chance to crack and that induce shorts smacking the bids and as soon as all their bids filled then remove the ceiling and it stars to moonshot. But again the sign is there so there is no reason to short and even if shorted make sure have a Plan B say shorting 2k shares at 16-17 and risking 18 and cut all at 20s and the Plan B should be longing 5k-10k shares at 20-22 and expecting to make to 30s. that way not only to cover the losses but make some more. 

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