Monday, November 13, 2023



Had DTCK on the back of my mind so didn't want to miss the GDHG dump. been watching it the entire morning and didn't do anything so went to nap and saw it dumped more than 50% and I got into the bounce. decided to swing o/n and see what happens. if 18-20 starts to hold and grind tomorrow will cut. It's hard to get a good average on it due to the liquidity and slippage but I know I gotta be part of it. 

The frustration on trading this stock is on the uptick you get squeezed and no chance to cut when wrong because it skipped and halted and when the dump begins there is NO WAY  size order get filled sighing. But at least now the momentum looks like shifted so with high probability it's going to keep selling off given the lockup period has reached. Pt 5 and conservative pt <10

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