Thursday, March 28, 2019



Whenever I boosted my ego I ended up eating loss. really have to work hard on that!!! Not ez day today for sure. I had a killer start by making nearly $10k before 8:30 and looking to fade these momentum players but got squeezed out. I had fantastic stop, I am really proud of it. CLWT went from $6 to $10ish in 4 candles, 3 halts and each time it halted I covered partial. Yes it was the loss from short side but I am proud that I managed my position the best of my ability. Trying to fade it after 2pm but the action just doesn't feel right to me.
PLAG-sympathy to CLWT and it caught momentum in the a.m. due to CLWT's upward halt. I stopped out but faded it late day. slow slow fader so no thanks.
One thesis that I consider very bullish is tomorrow is Friday. There are people trying to squeeze shorts on friday so no.1 I am extra cautious today and no.2 I will NOT hold short position overnight for sure.
looking to attack tomorrow!!!! remember trade well, pnl will take care of itself.

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