Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Still in pot mania so shorting may not be desirable approach.
IGC-manipulative bid proping action for $2 sellers getting out but huge smack out of the gate and pot is hot and I knew I used to short short add add add then boom stop out so this time I longed. goodtrade but then chopping around.
CRON-scalping trade, no conviction, price is in shit hole.
AFMD-5cents is hard and this one is even harder. I stopped out on the first push but then saw $7 couldn't hold I stepped back in. But no selling spotted so fuck it I am out. maybe the news is legit, company is legit, no thanks!

TLRY-good job you got me!! 2 mistakes I made: 1:after saw momo shift sized in toooo early due to FOMO but glad I kept the size small.
2nd mistake after cracking previous low it made unreal comeback and that's big red flag!!! I should get out without even a second of hesitation but I didn't!! still waiting, still wanna give it a chance..Turned big winner into very minimal.

turned great day into an okay type of day and got pissed so started trading recklessly by buying strength and selling weakness and my PC got heated up and lagged so much and as result I paid the price!!! No mercy!!! 100% my fault! deserved the price and lesson! should just like AT09, close the PC and call it a day! my read on it is 100% correct BUT my entry is wrong!!! therefore even though I was right in the end I still had losses! that's trading!

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