Friday, February 16, 2018


turned out today is the DAY for RIOT!!! I shorted it 8 times if not 10 and every time it showed signs of weakness before bouncing right back up to my average. The frustration and bad memory kept me away from it. But think about it, there is a new and powerful catalyst today!!! CNBC exposing their sketchy business and they videoteped the whole attemtpted interviewing process. You have to have put catalyst into consideration!!!!! It's not just about ticker, price action !!! The same ticker-RIOT must be treated differently today than in the past!!!!!!! With SSR and stock traded 20% down it's a chase if you short it!!!! but guess what it went down another 10%!!!!!! Great example telling just because a stock is down doesn't mean a buy and on the contrary just because it's up doesn't mean a short!!!!!!
WATT-good stopped out after 2 ss attemtps.
AMAG-glad I covered 2/3 but it's grinding all the way from r/g and near HOD which I considered powerful move. Took off the 1/3 near HOD.

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