Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Overall I traded alright. some overstays, rationalizing OPTT since chart telling me heavy selling at $2.30s. So thinking it would have a big push then stuff action but the heck it break to a new high BUT the volume and price clearly tells breakout fake out action. so size the fuck back in and nailed the move. took some off into washout and resize back when it gets to $2.30.

my plan is as long as it stays below $2.30 I am comfortable leave the position on without looking. likely swing if it could snap below $2 by EOD.

thinly traded and the action looks 50/50 to me. it looks like sub $3 grinding action but big sellers kept popping up but again feel unconfident on it so covered the last piece at $2.70

this is LOL play of the year. click "locate" buttom on DAS but ain't responding. it is what it is. what can you do about it?!

selling continue into today so I covered partial and likely swing the other half.

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