Thursday, August 3, 2017


overall I did okay despite missing some of potential $$$

the star trade of the day. saw basing action so fuck it imma out. No question to be asked. Large cap traded differently from small cap..I've always keep that in mind when I touch them.

checked the filing and saw S3 but it started making higher lows and all dips got absorbed and refreshed buyers kept popping up make me think it has more legs. Wrong!!! cut the loss quickly! Better yet I should flip to short when $1.30 look like stuffing and peaking.

frustrated one!!! It's not a good feeling when you are up $6k and then you turned it into break even because you didn't take the profit. Again extreme conviction on it so I decided to swing it multiple days and target low $1s / r/s. Nice closing so I will keep holding. Ideally straight down tomorrow!

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