Monday, October 12, 2015

10/12_$CANF, $PACB

Will start posting daily P&L starting today with purpose of holding myself accountable for my actions. Full transparency hopefully can help me to learn the mistakes, lessons and my thinking during the trades.

choppy CANF. On hindsight it was a short. same pattern like VGGL. After so many squeezes in the past and I knew for the fact there are tons of bagholders. so I was short-biased from the get go. There are people out there saying "no bias" which is bullshit. You gotta have bias and trade on your conviction and confirmation. I did right thing shorting it but the wrong thing was timing!!! I shorted it in panic and got squeezed. REMEMBER, when looking to short, never short into morning weakness and slowdown of price actions, short into the bounce!!!! Mistake No.2, I was being too flexible and even bought into the VWAP reclaim and aiming for opening range breakout. ORB doesn't work on the daily chart of CANF!!!! there are far too many bagholders!!!! Patience & Timing is the key to profit!!

this one I completely fucked up!! I admit that I am not good at trading large cap(40m float). held it over the weekend and aimed for premarket/openning fell but didn't happen. So I covered and it tanked. could have made $700 on it. In this case my risk aversion and cautiousness got me out when I should have gave it a little bit more time. Traded it well but took loss.

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