Friday, April 28, 2023
Thursday, April 27, 2023
10/14 chart got me too biased and stubborn and determined to fight it till coming down.
got many chances to cut and move on but didn't.
Should have cut ALL after 330pm when it holds but kept rationalizing and thinking pullback may occur in last 10min. Then in last 10min I started thinking big pull may happen after-hr. Finally couldn't take it anymore and cut.
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Tuesday, April 25, 2023
Monday, April 24, 2023
ACON- nice gift today.
INAB-got emotional. could have cut multiple times but didn't. hate to see turned green to red then started fighting and dug a deep hope for myself. -60k at one point and fought back to -27k. sighing disappointed in myself. Feeling tired and exhausted and mind isn't here. May take ez tomorrow. got a midday appointment and have to leave early/
Friday, April 21, 2023
i was on the phone yesterday till 330pm so missed UCAR 70+ short but even if I was around Im not sure if I would pull the trigger. Very scary action. Then today I missed the shot again. sighing.. Wanted r/g40+ push fail follow through but didn't get there.
PTPI- nice gift today
WISH-I can feel the strength so no thanks. Just gonna take my loss and move on.
Thursday, April 20, 2023
PTPI-the best trade of the day
CNSP-overstayed. influenced by the filing and got too biased. should have covered more than that
rest is sideways action.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
CNSP-easy pop and fade
VYNE- they tried to defense $4 line. 50/50. rather wait for late day
CJJD-don't like shorting $1s stock.
PTPI-late day short but selling is not as much as I thought it should be. scratch trades.
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Unfortunately feeling content and missed ALLR and PHIO today.
Monday, April 17, 2023
What a roller-coaster day. Comeback to green from -200k losses at the peak. So sick of myself on PRST. got too emotional and used 90k shares to short it. Put myself in deep hole early in the morning and forced to trade myself out. I knew stocks action like this will be dump down the road. I just wasn't sure if the dump came at 230pm, or slow bleed entire afternoon or 330pm rug pull then selloff. The right thing to do should be covering all or downsize at high 2s at 10am or mid 3s at noon time and re-attack in the afternoon. But due to FOMO I ended up stubborn hold. I did covered 1/3 but that was too little and I put shares back on way too early.
CFRX-quite similar mistake as PRST. but the only good part is I used relatively smaller size and added huge at 3.3s then some at 3.8s risking $4 market.
Rest is easy pop and fade.
Live to fight another day!!!
Friday, April 14, 2023
Have to leave by 255pm to pickup my daughter then got an doctor appointment at 330pm so not planning to trade at all after 3pm.
PTPI covered all at 6.2s last piece, if Im still in the office I would probabaly hold a lil longer.
MRAI, SAI-took all off the table cus had to leave and MRAI had negative catalyst at 5pm.
Rest of stocks are easy and straight forward today.
Biggest outlier is CXAI which reminds me of AQXP 7 years ago when a stocks moved from $2 to $20 on Day 1 and next day it shot to $50s before the pullback and lots of shorts were fucked. lots of red flags: 1)if you look at per-minute volume on Day 1 it traded at 500k-1m shares
2) micro-float on day 1 on hot theme in this case is AI. Algo and pumpers know how to play with it.
Holding overnight long or short both have huge risk. 50/50 play overnight but who would have thought it shot up to 70s. this is the black swan of black swans. The biggest takeaway is do not hold short position on Day 1 on hot play especially theme/sector play.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Pretty much done my day and going out for lunch.
GFAI-easy pop and fade today after all shorts were squeezed out yesterday.
CXAI-Algo go full throttle on it. tough one to trade and glad I reduced the damage. Frustrated one because the locate is quite expensive so i don't want to give up easily.
OCEA-speculative shorting into the pop and look for pullback but stronger than I thought so I covered all and move on.
CXAI- crazy algo and manipulators kept proping bids. glad I stopped out all at low 6s and re-attacked at 9s and made some losses back.
GFAI-reshorted into push and covered all at 32 due to CXAI's frustration.
market is on fire gonna be crazy opportunity tomorrow and following week. don't waste it.
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Bitcoin has been straight up since the beginning of the year and these 3 bitcoin sympathy stocks have gone parabolic last 2 days so I am thinking shorts been squeeze and they may sell into the move. it's interesting to see COIN is the weakest of all and RIOT has the relative strength so I downsized it and when I see it's about to test green-to-red line I added shares back. Market has data earlier and the reaction isn't well and currently it's gone from HOD to red that may help the selloff perhaps. GFAI- Feb's action allure tons of shorts in and they are waiting for going down but it holds this time and they all got screwed. tomorrow if locate is accessible it would be easy short into pops play.
Tuesday, April 11, 2023
IPDN- from daily chart thinking today is the dump day so shorted some.
GFAI-sympathy to AI and I see relative strength in the sector so I avoided the short side. but choppy needs lots of patience for long side to workout so I pass.
LUCY-no locate and $4 kept crack and reclaimed so no trade.
GCTK-lack of liquidity and couldn't get filled.
on 3/7 it has big volume and price action day and gap down the next day and sold off so thinking if buyers slowly giving up it may selloff at the end of day. annoyed price action.