XBIO-man traded it terribly. should have ran much earlier but kept holding. lots of volume exchange which is big red flag. glad I traded myself out of hole.
NRXP-hands down that was the best cover of the day!
NRXP-hands down that was the best cover of the day!
feeling greatful that I walked myself out of hole. crazy sick fucker halting to the moon. been waiting for the pullback and I know the pullback gonna be $10+ for me to bail out. glad it came but what if it keeps going to $50+???? what would I do?!
Such a weird stock, weird action. Way off premarket high make me short biased but it kept coming back up. no thanks. not worth it!
SGOC-choppy fucker. shorted got squeezed and longed got me dumped. untradable!!
NEGG is the best trade of the week.
SGOC is the worst trade of the week!!! got squeezed from $9 to $19....I could have stopped out but those trappy and illusionary lvl2 action got me stayed. constant bids prop make me think they would use liquidity to get out. Then went to pick up my daughter and failed to cover into 10s and got squeezed back to $14. this shit is fucking difficult.
even with my tiny 5k shares I was -$70k at the top.....annoyed...
Starting tomorrow No.1 rule: don't be part of the squeeze! see volume and momentum..GTFO!! all of it! don't even leave tiny and see that it does. Tiny size can even ruin the mentality turn small loss into shithole.
CARV-Patience for the entry then patience for EOD profit taking. beautiful trade!!! Proud of myselfCOHN-covered too early despite of having conviction. oh well.
NEGG can easily be 6-fig loss trade but glad I managed it correctly. those $45s stop out is the golden trade of the day/week!!!!! still loss but much much smaller than if I kept holding it.
Lately I have serious trouble cutting loser!!!!!!! MUST stop thinking!!! just hit the button and GTFO!!!