Friday, July 23, 2021



XBIO-man traded it terribly. should have ran much earlier but kept holding. lots of volume exchange which is big red flag. glad I traded myself out of hole. 

NRXP-hands down that was the best cover of the day!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021



feeling greatful that I walked myself out  of hole. crazy sick fucker halting to the moon. been waiting for the pullback and I know the pullback gonna be $10+ for me to bail out. glad it came but what if it keeps going to $50+???? what would I do?!

went to pick up my daughter and wasn't feeling well on taking the trade. 

Tuesday, July 20, 2021



We are in a trash market cycle right now. the key is never get oversized, never thinking dips would hold, primarily short biased until it proves self wrong, and most importantly hit and run! never overstay. this is the market you can't make big $, so don't force it!!

Monday, July 19, 2021



Such a weird stock, weird action. Way off premarket high make me short biased but it kept coming back up. no thanks. not worth it!

Tuesday, July 13, 2021



short day so took it ez. the only bitch is AHPI which luckily I avoided it. 

Monday, July 12, 2021



MDIA-that was the best cover of the day/week!!!! proud of myself. 

SGOC-choppy fucker. shorted got squeezed and longed got me dumped. untradable!!

for good/bad I shorted at 2:50pm when I saw weakness and got ripped back and cut. wiped out 1/2 of my daily profit and it just sets me on fire and I am determined to make $ back by end of day today so I stayed a/h in fight mode. glad it worked out!!!!! feeling grateful!

Friday, July 9, 2021

7/9_NEGG, SGOC_biggest roller-coaster day!!!


NEGG is the best trade of the week. 

SGOC is the worst trade of the week!!! got squeezed from $9 to $19....I could have stopped out but those trappy and illusionary lvl2 action got me stayed. constant bids prop make me think they would use liquidity to get out. Then went to pick up my daughter and failed to cover into 10s and got squeezed back to $14. this shit is fucking difficult. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021



Day day squeeze.....fucking sick and tired of it!!!!!!

even with my tiny 5k shares I was -$70k at the top.....annoyed...

Starting tomorrow No.1 rule: don't be part of the squeeze! see volume and momentum..GTFO!! all of it! don't even leave tiny and see that it does. Tiny size can even ruin the mentality turn small loss into shithole.

CARV-Patience for the entry then patience for EOD profit taking. beautiful trade!!! Proud of myself

COHN-covered too early despite of having conviction. oh well.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021



NEGG can easily be 6-fig loss trade but glad I managed it correctly. those $45s stop out is the golden trade of the day/week!!!!! still loss but much much smaller than if I kept holding it. 

Normally I wouldn't short a stock already down more than 10% but today I did it to AMC because I wanted to recoup loss from NEGG. Revenge trade got me 9 out of 10 times!!!!! sighing...lost my emotional balance today

difficult read and action. glad I covered all at 62s or I would freak out at 80. oversized!!! 
Will have to size down starting tomorrow other than NEGG. i think NEGG will move much smoothly and to the downside. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021



Lately I have serious trouble cutting loser!!!!!!! MUST stop thinking!!! just hit the button and GTFO!!!

Both BLIN and MRIN are confused. choppiness to be continued. no clear direction where it's going. better to just leave them alone and only edge is shorting either big gap down or parabolic.

Friday, July 2, 2021



BLIN-is my best long trade of the year

MRIN- choppiness continue...not going anywhere

Thursday, July 1, 2021



fuckery action again frustrated!!!!!!! ones I perceive dangerous ended up working nicely and I tried to be careful enough on picking stocks to short and cautious with size but still ended up with smaller profit than I expected. have to accept that! this market can't push further. it will end soon. Until then bail n nail and watch size!