Wednesday, June 30, 2021


FUCKERY action across the board. Turned decent start into a shit hole and spent whole day reducing damage. Patience is tricky thing in this market. I got patient initially on BLIN when it was hanging around below vwap and got ripped over then it was holding again and I said fuck it i am out it just cracked and continue to fade. Then got in at 1ish pm trying to catch late day fade but it wasn't going anywhere so i covered all and it just dumped and selloff randomly after 3pm. 
CUEN is shit show too. randomly spike from weakness giving me headache but using BLIN as reference I ss into the close for fade. worked out nicely although not smooth action I wanted. 

MRIN- I fucking hate such weakness. so hit n run. 

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

6/29_MRIN -$520k


fucker ripped 50% a/h yesterday and it's got gap up and every push got stuff ....all the actions lead me to become extremely short biased. Had a chance to ran away with much much smaller loss but kept fighting it although volume tells me not to and keep anticipating big stuff coming but it never happened. I survived many many times on play and action like this and it finally caught me this time due to my bias, stubborness and lack of discipline. 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021



ALF-knowing it would keep going and short side today is headache

WISH-awesome nail and bail and move on. 

TRCH-not liking it and pass

Monday, June 21, 2021

6/21_TRCH, AMC


saw morning strength and started longing dips and anticipate the momentum to continue but strong and controlled selling non-stoppably. in hindsight I shouldn't have taken such trade. Low probability to work  out

Thursday, June 17, 2021

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

6/15_ALF, CLSD


this turd is difficult to deal with. Small gain/ loss doesn't matter. Traded it the best I could. 

Monday, June 14, 2021



up 6-fig in an hr of work so took it and called it a day but heck had I held it.....

RAPT--proud of my nail and bail. 

Friday, June 11, 2021



for some reasons very confident in NOVN so kept adding. it was my conscious effort to use size from the first place after stupidity on MEDS yesterday. got emotional and revenge mode turned on which pushed me locating 150k shares which normally I wouldn't do. worked out thankfully. Have a mixed feeling on today's trade, stressful although # is good. is it worth it???

Thursday, June 10, 2021



every stuff got supported and go to make new high. very trappy action and I know I should have avoided it given it's event day but I kept pushing it. too FOMO and wanted to make loss back only to dig hole deeper

Wednesday, June 9, 2021



decent day nothing to complaint about. only regret was didn't go big enough on CLOV. 

AEMD-patience didn't work on it. annoyed play but it is what it is. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021



CLOV-dodged the bullet otherwise it's at least $200k loss. 

using relatve weakness to trade AMC and BB worked out nicely. 

likely not coming back until tomorrow thinking ez $ is over. 

Monday, June 7, 2021



RMED is a real fucker. choppy and manipulative action. when the squeeze mode is on there is no pullback for me to cover. literally straight up action. I should have hit and run given Monday and early morning but I added and got squeezed. Hope for better action tomorrow. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

6/3_AMC, BB, GME


biggest day in my trading career by far. AMC traded it near perfect. GME and BB perfect took off and never touched it. 

Wednesday, June 2, 2021



As a primary short seller I dodged the AMC bullet that's the biggest thing I am glad to do today. BCTX-I ss into weakness today due to biotech and I think the attention is just not at this sector right now. UONE-I got in too big too early and got squeezed. Tomorrow is BIG day!!!! sleep well, wake up early and prepare for it!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021



Overall I am happy with my trades today. AMC is just a tough one to trade with terrible odd and r/r. GME and OEG-perfect cover and never look back that saves me lots of headaches. 

WPG-shit is not cracking so I said fuck it i am out.