Today is the day we as a short seller live for!!! all the pain and frustration in the last weeks is worth it. ONLY regret is I could have used more size. ok next.
2 hits and that's big enough to got me killed when I had size. 70k in the morning and 120k in the afternoon. Mistake: big picture idea when volume is massive and turned green to red. WRONG!!!! when volume is massive meaning >100m shares it's Nail and Bail. Patience 4 out of 5 times do NOT work.
Then afternoon due to FOMO I got in too early too big and forced to add instead of take off. The fucker not going anywhere in last hr which is odd.
starting tomorrow Hit and RUN ONLY!!!!!! greed only got me killed.
SCPS-the chosen one and it ripped further than all thought and of course backside is fruitful.
Patience does NOT work in this market. forget about big $ trade. refocus now!!! gotta take smaller profit now little by little. Greed can kill you!
Broke rules in the morning and paid the price. fuck myself. knowing I should get out, knowing this action isn't right but I kept pushing....sometimes shit in my head can't help it
Went to USPS to take care my baby's passport thing and missed the first hr. came back and got FOMO and stepped in way tooooo early.