Friday, December 31, 2021



choppy algo action and I took some cuts. it is what it is traded the best I could. 

I wish everyone who is reading this blog a very happy new year and wish you the best in 2022!!

Monday, December 27, 2021



all it takes is one good trade. I did 2. both worked out well. the only thing was I didn't use size. just try to be slow and steady on my GT account. 

Thursday, December 23, 2021



got in a lil too early but have conviction so added on the other account. nail n bail. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2021



All it takes is one good sizable trade to make the day.

Monday, December 20, 2021

12/20_CANF, SOPA


Traded the best I could on both CANF and SOPA. No regret on either

Thursday, December 16, 2021

12/16_ADGI_another GT blowup


sighing...same cycle again and again. Blew up GT account and used the other 2 accounts to make it back and more. so fucking annoyed. Was trading way too big relative to GT's account value. Can't help it. Already got used to large size trading and hard to change the habit. 

Thursday, December 9, 2021



Not in mental right state to trade. FOMO+oversize+fight and reluctant to cut the position. Paid the price. I should have cut everything at low 5s but kept waiting despite it's reclaiming and holding strong. 

unreal soaking and reclaiming and lots of red candles just trap after another trap. can't take it anymore. 

Monday, December 6, 2021



3 THINGS I will start implementing: 1)smaller size 2)hit n run. 3)enjoy the life

Tuesday, November 30, 2021



Traded soooo fucking well today. shorts trap type of setup but noticed big volume+soaking and reclaim action so I ran. had size on it and I could get away with minimal damage

Friday, November 26, 2021



Traded lots of tickers today but main position size is in ISPC. up 50k quickly then decided to hit pops and that got me into shit hole. glad crawled out the hole in the end but man I should and coulda have avoided it by simply taking it and walk away and call it a day. Greedy got me

Tuesday, November 23, 2021



another FOMO day and paid the price. shorting weakness on momentum player in thanks giving week=suicide. but no regret of doing so I just need to cut earlier and with smaller size so I could escape easier. shit show starting the day just like yesterday and it was the same mistake FOMO FOMO FOMO and refuse to cut when the stock doesn't do what I wanted. 

APVO- i thought the storm is over and looking for EOD fade. man it's still strong as hell. I guess either a/h or tomorrow for better entry. 
KTTA-another fuckery action. speechless. better to avoid it than making hard $

Monday, November 22, 2021



Every single time I came home after vacation I took loss. so fucking sick of myself. got too aggressive too early, add add add and took way too many cuts on the frontside and couldn't recouped all the loss when back side hits. FOMO+aggro +fight mentality got me after a week off sighing...

recouped more losses. sighing..this is the best I could do. filling hole all day 

Friday, November 12, 2021



choppy action across the board. Nothing is smooth and straight forward. I should hit and run on all of them. perfect cut on RIVN. odd lvl 2 action on CYTO so I cut it too. WNW-looking for big trade so overstayed and cut then went to lunch came back it was already dead.  MRAM-wtf action, no clear trend where it is going. Going to take a week off and come back in Thank Giving week. 

Thursday, November 11, 2021



sighing..shitty action. turned $20k win into 0. but glad I miss PPSI another headache ticker

Itchy hands put me in red. I know I better not touch this fucker. can't resist it. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2021



had i recycled a bit more it would be more perfect. straight forward algo involved then left action. 

Monday, November 8, 2021



PPSI-tough one. context play and bullish sentiment related to EV sector. glad I moved my focus to SAVA and made the day less ugly. 

Thursday, November 4, 2021

11/4_sava, petz, bbby, hudi


SAVA is the only sizable trade for me. a lil headache at first but stopped out and re-hit it with size and made back loss and more

feeling bad missing the meat so decided to catch some and that turned into a disaster. should have just walked away and take a nap. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2021



Headache and frustration every day this week. Kept missing quality plays and getting stuck in low quality algo piled stock. Digging myself holes everyday and trying to climb out each time. sick and tired of ittttttttttttttt!!!!! Must change something or disaster will occur sooner or later.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021



frustrated day and didn't trade OLB well. should have leave fantasy cover orders there but didn't and all dips got soaked and ramp back up fast which I couldn't cover. but got conviction and it worked out. 

But happiest thing today so I dodged CAR bullet. this is the type of setup allures me in and caught me in add add add situation and emotional cover near HOD. 

Monday, November 1, 2021



BKKT-saw it choppy action on friday. shouldn't touch it in the first place

LCID-got dumped by swing room. should better follow the plan and cut it early

HUDI-leave some on I like r/r

Friday, October 29, 2021



the easiest one is HUDI and I sized up and got paid nicely. 

DWAC n BKKT-both are  difficult but I traded them the best I could. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2021



frustrated one. at the peak I was down 120k. but I had conviction so held it through. those stuff and hold action is just like DWAC on day 1. Extremely difficult to cover because each dip and reclaim happens so fast that I couldn't react to it.

Monday, October 25, 2021



glad I took out block locates and traded it with big picture plan. the rest are ez. recouped 1/2 of Thursday's loss. keep grinding

strong holding action! hope for Day 2 #fingercrossed

Thursday, October 21, 2021



biggest loss of my trading career. lost my mind after first cut then digging my hole deeper and deeper. 

oversize kills!!!!! there is no reason to use size considering it's holding above vwap the whole time!!! it keeps doing stuff and hold, stuff and hold action I should just close my position and walk away but that's the hardest thing to do when you already have losses realized. 


done for the day. exhausted. the shit is too random up n down. best is to avoid it!

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Great day and very proud of myself of observation, not getting ultra bias and take ez $ and wait for opportunity later. HX feel it's 50/50 so i cut all without hesitation and went to lunch and that was the best cut of 2021!
JRJC-caught falling knife thinking it's sympathy of HX and may catch momentum. didn't workout.