why the heck I took the trade in the first place knowing that today is an event day. Had an appointment at flushing and need to run a few agendas especially I was up quite nicely before I touched SLS. then turned +$50k day into a shit hole. at peak I was down 6-fig but glad it came down in the end. Broker liquidated my position before the close that's always the risk managing small account and using full BP. lot of and lots of danger sign and red flags and again it same mistake just repeated. Had opportunity to downsize and re-add but got lazy doing so. I should and had opportunity to cut several times but kept holding.....too confident and saying to myself that it will come down eventually. The end is yes but before that it squeezed a couple bucks before ultimate dump came. my 30k shares that's enough damage!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
traded very well today. all green and except 2 losses I am more than happy to take it. low float land is on fire!!!! definitely more actions tomorrow!!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
CRIS is the hardest one. If avoid it on the front side that's half win of the battle. rest is pretty straight forward.
Monday, December 7, 2020
NOTHING is ez today and I traded bad today.
first KODK I traded it like steak, covered at top and ss into weakness.
GTEC-although loss but I traded it fine.
OBLN-stressful one. directionless. the best is avoid.
Friday, December 4, 2020
HGSH is my only headache of the day. but due to conviction so held my ball tight and worked out perfectly. down $30k near the top, not very big of deal to me but still annoyed. too confident so jumped in too big too early. should have recycled MORE!!!
everything else is ez and straight forward. MRNA is lil tough, saw all vaccines plays bounced so I took it off.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
12/3_LIZI, EVK
surprisingly green today after took $12k loss premarket. AMTX and late day EVK short saved my day! got used to trading big position and bigger pnl so hard to adjust so when EVK was up $4k I didn't take it and turned it into losses. I even added to my position when I should have cut it. but glad the only right thing I did today was avoid LIZI and EVK mid-day grind.
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
it's been a while that I traded so emotionally reason being using small inc account and used too many sizes and got caught. First of all CAAS turned winner into loser got me pissed off. Then started throwing shares at EARS and added and ignored the strength of it. the Loss from CAAS and using laptop which makes myself hard to execute the order on time got me missing exits so ended up holding positions and got squeezed. longer and larger the position more difficult for me to get out. Then turned a small loss into a snowball. Totally avoidable!!!!! Also missed MRNA got me pissed too so I told myself to fight EARS till the last minute. I completely lost balance today. can't help it.
Monday, November 30, 2020
likely done my day today. MRNA didn't workout so took it off. PLTR=ATM machine 2 days in a row. Traded it using 2 accounts today. 0 stress trade.
Friday, November 27, 2020
Stress free day. all worked out to my plan and went to the park with WORX open position. likely going to cover all before 1pm.
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Moneywise I recouped nearly 1/2 of yesterday's loss. XPEV and FTEK-perfect covered before they ripped another few points. FCEL-weakness then sold off miss that. BLNK-just choppy as hell. late day YJ worked out MOHO I cut it with tiny loss. EV mania may last another day or two. No reason to short and stay short.
Monday, November 23, 2020
11/23_-$240k...XPEV, AYRO, DPW, BLNK, KXIN, NIO
Biggest loss day of the year. Had a very nice run since April and never really hit any rock until today. Used too much size and got stubborn and overstayed and paid the price. XPEV-perfect cut each try but too obsessed with it so losses added up. BLNK-when Citron hit I should just covered all but I held majority of shares and wanted lower. Gave back and more. DPW-holding above VWAP the entire time why am I so stubborn of holding it given the market sentiment. BLNK and DPW are unnecessary losses!!!!
Friday, November 20, 2020
what a fucking disaster day. lost 1/3 of GT's account equity. But frankly speaking I didn't trade bad considering the size I used. Yes a little overstayed but I did cut losses when my short thesis got broken. But what I did bad was got emotional and fought BLNK and let it move wayyyy too far from my stop and added additional pain to the account that was unnecessary loss and should totally be avoided!!!!!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
11/17_NIO, CTIB
GREAT trade idea. worked out nicely. little divergence a/h and honestly thinking it's 50/50 at this point going forth tomorrow. Wanna see bid and offer tests tomorrow before making decision. $50 above is definitely a cut.
Friday, November 13, 2020
11/13_NIO, XPEV, LI
everything worked out although I took profit tooooo early. today is the day but I got scared a bit. Although nice profit but I could have done much much better.
Thursday, November 12, 2020
got influenced and thought IMAC gonna do a quick rejection so sized in tooo early too big so had to reduce exposure so I covered all before it dumped even more.
AKER- influenced by IMAC so started in too big too fast, slamming bids like a mania wanted to recoup losses but each strength got me scared to cover. made 3 covers and all happened to be near the top. didn't trade it well occassionally no matter what. it is what it is.
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
11/11_FPRX, FTEK, EQ
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
what a big big day!!! the hardest part is GTEC and I took the loss like a boss and went out to buy grocery. REV-it's easy to short too early but I was eating and had a feeling $13 is the top so I sized in, never red on the trade. MEDS-surprisingly good late day opportunity. NIO-surprising comeback above VWAP, left $20k on the table but nothing I could do, closed the position and not looking back. GTEC-final pop towards VWAP allow me taking position and that's it. everything add up nicely as long as no big losses!
Monday, November 9, 2020
Lots of mistakes made today.
1st -fat fingered longed ACB and emotionally cut it. should have downsized/cut some immediately but didn't.
2nd-AHT-used size, added too early too big and each pullback was weak and never touched VWAP but I didn't take off as much shares I should have to. then big swipe occurred which I couldn't escape. Very very tough play in a while. Even harder than APVO which at least had signs of swipe.