Friday, June 28, 2019


THAT's my wrap for the week & month. BYND-threw patience out of window. jumped in tooo early
KRTX-good trade over all. but liquidity is soooo minimal, no thanks. float is small anything can happen.

Thursday, June 27, 2019


again pushing against the fence doesn't end up well. Had chance to stop out but stubbornly stayed. the main issue is I can't accept the loss, I just can't do it. The price action tells me to stop but I kept waiting waiting waiting. I could have minimized the loss. taking $20k loss is stupid.
Morning squeeze + 12pm squeeze=$20k loss.
Trading small cap with volume I know the rule but i couldn't follow it. Paid the price.
First time in my career thinking to take days off. Just like my sister I got lots of problems to fix. I am gonna burn down my account unless these issues fixed.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019


Went from down big to up big then ended the day down $16k. very difficult one but I traded it the best I could. Loss is inevitable. don't even think about evade it. very easy to get short then boom immediately down $1 in a blink of eyes. no way to cover if position is large. No way to trade it successfully in either direction. random big squeeze followed by dump action just nasty and disgusting. I guess I should be proud that I stay alive because shit could get so much worse!!! It is one of rare situations that tape reading don't quite work. heavy heavy heavy sell off then BOOM.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


good entry that's very proud but failed to cover into each weakness and all dips got saved. definitely manipulative and algo and pumpers is involved. the price action allures shorts in. no thanks. this is bipolar type of situation. $3 / under $2 is both possible.

Monday, June 24, 2019

6/24_NERV, PTN

PTN-just a trash falling.
NERV-I read a tweet saying the data is good plus lots of volume and absorption so stayed long biased from the beginning. At same time this one got offering so obviously they need to raise money. bipolar type of situation. did the best I could

Friday, June 21, 2019


they do a great job of trap then squeeze. it caught me 4 times!!! frustrated and went for a nap and missed the EOD fade. shit is not ez at all. I smacked the weakness and covered into strength in the morning once again. the move just like MLNT but the difference is this time very few people got trapped due to recent painful memory. this one you have no choice but taking the loss. glad i didn't add add add. i stopped out when and where I needed to and still loss was there due to spread and fast movement. Just hoping next week action is more smooth.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

6/20_EDSA(BLOWUP DAY) -$50k at one point!

I named today as "blowup day" because the way I traded was full of emotions, FOMO and didn't respect the recent biotech mania action. It reminds me of 2 years ago the tickers pop up after HTGM's squeeze. I made the same mistake and from the action I can tell lots of others are in the same boat as mine. Due to conviction, tape it's hard to pass it. $10.50 shows clear heavy sellers so I took 12000 shares position risking $10.50-$10.70 area....guess what when it held $10 several times it started to skip. 30 cents, 50 cents uptick uptick which makes me hard to stick to the original stop plan. that should be foreseen before it happens. when a similar stock MLNT traded yesterday premarket it's also up 100ish%, it's also biotech. and after it's already up 100% it went above 200%. same group of traders will be chasing it. so here is the mistake:
1) yes it kept rejecting $10.5 area BUT $10 lvl hold multiple time, that's red flag. I should be at least size down 50% or all. I could have taken $6k loss but instead I turned it into $20k due to FOMO, due to conspiracy theory, due to the thinking what if they pulled the support and quickly drop down to $8.
2)shitty start at the begining that's definitely taking some toll on my mind I tried to stay focus and not lettting it influencing my read, judgment and action but here leads to mistake No.2 it shot up big to $12, stuff and back to $10.50 in a blink of eyes I thought this move is over, that's openning staff action, every longs will get out  but instead it held again above $10 lvl for 2-3 min and shot back up to $13. 50 and at that point I have full position!!! talking about 16000 shares with $11.4ish average. I was quickly went from up a few grand to more than $32k down unrealized. I totally lost my mind at that point and have no choice but start covering at least some portions. Then I noticed it's just another liquidity shot so I quickly put shares back on and this is the right thing I did. but again the damage is there. I was down more than $30k unrealized when it's not even 10am yet. totally totally disastrous start but due to conviction I kept forcing myself to stay in it.
3)price action confirms to my thesis. it finally have a WTF kiss of death candle and went into halt under $10 so I told myself "don't cover, don't cover" but when $9 cracked it quickly fell and reclaim and kissing $10 again. the right course of action would be cover at least 1/3 and put shares back on due to shitty start of the day, due to frustration, due to mental damage I experienced earlier. But didn't. Again I just wanted more, more and more.
it's nearly 11am and I have full position with $11ish average. the stop out lvl would be $10.50 break and hold, others I am going for homerun. Ideally midday offering.

ended the day with nearly $30k profit but man Number don't tell the story!!!! was very very closed to the point of stopping out. The way I traded just really elevated the risk tremendously!!!! super avoidable in the future!!! the main thing is FOMO!!!! secondarily it's pnl attackment. When I was down big I couldn't just eat it so I turnd a small loss into a mother fucking huge one. Imagine what if this stock didn't stuff at $13.50, what if it stuffed at $15...then what???? even if I am right at the end but I would get liquidated before that. Trading is all about timing!!!! a step too early that makes difference when you stay alive or end of the career. so humbled about today's roller coaster ride exp.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


Even after withdraw and sizing down couldn't save me from the disaster. used bit of size. All the dramas and roller-coaster ride starts out of a greed and wanting to make more before closing the day. when the stock smashed under $4 I was up $3k ish I wanted more!!! Even though I saw massive volume hitting the bids but it held well I still decided to wait around then it holds and turned into a beast. I quickly turned a good begining into $10kish which messed up my mentality. Traded alright since then but still plus all the slippage and stop out the loss is still there. Very difficult to trade!!! the TAPE tells everything!!!! all the weakness got sulked and brought back up and strengths got stuffed. Fighting a stock up a ton and holding VWAP and relative strength and plus hundreds and thousands of volume hitting the tape that's a big big red flag for short!!! even hit-and-run is difficult!!

Friday, June 14, 2019


FRIDAY!! stay focused stay sharp, take ez and quick money. last friday's memory is still fresh, not gonna do it again.

Thursday, June 13, 2019


Tough day today. nothing works out as planned except LULU but choppy action. not smooth at all. Glad I kept my size small and ended the day alive. day like this as long as no or small damage is great job.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


BYND-down$50 from recent high and got catalyst and the stock has been straight down and thinking $130 retake. sold too early but it's okay.
BLIN-low float newsletter chasing then all cahsed out. it's dead.

lost emotional balance a little about missing TSLA's morning liquidation so got back in. didn't work no thanks. no padding why chance it????

not ez one to trade. lots of liquidity shot makes shorting it extremely difficult. red hot IPO are not the one to fight with. stay open-minded and nailed it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

6/11_NBY, PRVB

intense action and volume yesterday but today PRVB trading very weak. no volume there for filling
NBY-trappy action so I covered all at mid 3's then when $3 crack I re-attacked but got got tiny and average isn't ideal. nice cover near LOD. ez part is over so no thanks.

Monday, June 10, 2019


Daughter's rash+short trap+size=blowup today. feeling blessed that I withdrew the money and traded small today. I know if I were before and especially I made so much this month I would use huge size on it and got fucked. LJPC's loss on Friday actually saved me. Lots of red flags and I reacted wayyyyy toooo late. But overall I did alright.

Friday, June 7, 2019

6/7_LJPC_all it takes is one oversize bad trade!!

LJPC-again saw the divergence but didn't get out on time and kept waiting and got fucked. every push looks like stuffing therefore I add add add anticipating fail but it never came. then in the afternoon I shorted into the weakness under vwap thinking more fail nope didn't happen grinded all the way towards HOD. 2 trades and none of them worked!! worst part is I used size!!! 25,000 shares in use!!! totally absurd!!!! it reminds me of Tim Gritani, I used size not because I have conviction and the price confirms to my thinking and thesis. I am using size because I am fighting and trying to push it down. WRONG!!!!! fighting always ended up in blood and death. Ate $50k loss on it!!!
I requested the withdrawal and will starting with $55,000 on monday. I finally reached the point that I have to make some change that force me to size down. will be extra extra careful and ONLY focus on the niche!!! DIVERGENCE--- get the fuck out!!!!

Thursday, June 6, 2019


CTRV-locate damned expensive so got got 3k shares. made to the end. had confidence and conviction on it based on the observation and it worked out
UBER-pain in the ass trade. long & short
SFIX-deadly bleeding.didn't take full advantage of it.

feel bad missing this trade. guide is bigger than analysts' estimate and holding above $100 that's BUY!! but I waited waited and ended up missing $20 upside. Psychologically speaking everyone shorting risking $100 today and past few days. everyone bet post earning this one will drop. float is one thing but I do think there is a strong hand behind the move!

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


the only regret is not sizing up in post-mania period but I tried to trade the best I could with scarse of locates I have. the locate is too expensive that shut me out. Now I realized I am too cheap to take it. supposedly it's 5-fig trade. the ONLY thing needs to be aware is giving it a little wiggle room for chasers' market order. such low float like this one but showing top out action is the one to go short into every pop. larger size for bigger pop.

Monday, June 3, 2019


Absolute convictions comes after a mania period eneded. knowing lots of chasers and it's up on a in-vitro and stupid early stage bio news so decided to push for size. the best part is adding into vwap push and covered along the way. good read, did exactly as I wanted and it worked out well.