Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Dividend announcement a/h but I scared to size into para so missed the first hard pull. sized in into the bounce but should have held longer given it's ATM and Kalani selling.

Using $3.25 as entry lvl and guide but couldn't reach there! Lacked of liquidity and hard to get filled once missed out of gate ramp.

Under tick pilot,it's extremely hard to fill!!!! Lesson: always take advantage of panic!!! Never be greedy!

kinda influenced by Nate and chased breakout stuffing action and got damaged! Saw John Welsh's tweet and flipped short. glad it worked out on this turd unlike HTGM yesterday.

Monday, February 27, 2017

2/27_LJPC, HTGM_shitty day, lots of mistakes and things went out of control!

$15k loss realized after closed my trade. Was risking $30 and thought lots of resistance due to premarket action. To my surprise the price break through $30 and pulled back and held above $31ish and I realized was in trouble and had to take pain closing my price.

Did the right thing covering all. Nice late day reattack and made some money back but the price action was too choppy and hard to read!!

Shit in my head when I was trading it. The loss from LJPC set me on fire and I was determined to use size and make money back on next plays and there came HTGM. when it pulled below $2.40 I was up 5-figure BUT didn't take single share off!!! and yes it was "crack and grind" action and turned my winner into $20k loser!!!!!

Here comes mistake #2: I caught near top and when it had hard crack but hugging around VWAP I only covered partial. Then I added it did another "crack and grind" action and reclaimed then BOOM again and squeezed my position to the moon again!! At the end of day $20K on it!!! Totally totally avoidable had I stayed calm, cool, rational and dettached from p&l and treated each trade independently!!!!!!!!! 

Friday, February 24, 2017

2/24_IPCI, ZSAN, SGY_slow day

for whatever reason I've become cynical and paranoid and I always thought "what if" in my head which leads me to close my trade SGY and ZSAN, IPCI earlier than I should. On the flip side I exercised patience and wait for the volume before sized in whereas in the past I would hammer it and and get squeezed to the lvl where I should have make it entry point.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


not easy trade!!! the hardest part is before 10:30am!!! I traded it very defensively and questioning myself whether right or wrong the whole time. Lots of emotions involved in the morning. The main mistakes I made was shorting into weakness/what looks like about to breakdown and got squeezed back up!!!! those were FOMO trades and totally avoidable!!!! But I do take pride size back in when top felt stuffy. Lots of headaches and frustration and divergence from my mental image but fortunately I closed the trade green for the day!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

2/22_MBOT, INAP, CNBX_MBOT reminds me of LEI on 12/31

good trades, good day, yes minor mistakes but overall did well.

$7.50 is my lvl of interest!!!! My thesis was if break and hold above it then it can do moonshot and that's exactly what happened!!!! Great short risking $7.50, awesome stop out by taking paper cut. That was the best trade of the day!!! This kind of setup used to be my No.1 Account Killer!!
Then because I have no position I could keep my head clear and calm and attacked it but guess what it didn't pan out the way I pictured in my mind so I covered again. Then after I saw relative volume surged I longed and boom made big!!!

Was patient and letting it work but it looked like every breakout getting weaker so I got out. Then again something interesting happened near low $9!!! Everytime it tried to break below it, it quickly got brought back up!!!! This type of action reminds me of HMNY!!!! So I longed again and nailed near top and thought $10 is big psychological lvl will hold most likely.
Then I just let it do its thing because after 11:30am my edge is gone but the price break below $9 got me interested again!!!!! using contrarian perspective this stock must be long crowded at the moment and this type of move can't sustained and especially after observation of price action I got short again at low $9s and added when it looked like about to breakdown!!!!Everyone even including myself think every dip got bought and this time must be no different then BOOM~~~ everyone is thinking the same way and it snapped and never looked back from there!! I added at $8.70!!!
It would probably go lower but i don't care.

was very cynical towards it and ended up stopping out twice. did the right thing. Scratch trade.

OTC turd 's finally got dump day and I tried to catch the bottom but ended a few steps earlier. small loss!! bad casino trade!!! Remember it could get halted anytime and open 50% down!!! Keep that in mind!!!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


thought it's gonna be easy fade but nope..got squeezed and stopped out. Should have got out earlier due to lack of selling. Kept convincing myself that fading volume is gonna cause buyers selling

Then things started getting twisted and messed. I flipped long due to unnatural volume  but it just didn't perform the way I expected in terms of price and time element so I got out and flipped short but again no volume, it was calm, cool and quiet action. I should have noticed immediately that "SHIT, it's not gonna go down easily" and on the other hand why the hell I shorted at 1pm?!!!!!!

post 2:30pm unwinding but crack then reclaim then grind higher......hard to trade!!!!

Waiting waiting waiting and patience paid off!!!

Friday, February 17, 2017

2/17_TOPS, RGSE, LBIX, MOSY_stress-free day

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good thing I did was being too cautious on TOPS and saw unnatural volume came in and sent it up so I covered all. The other good trade was I used order to test upper air and hit wall of sellers on LBIX so I waited for momo to fizzle then shorted and nailed it. RGSE moved exactly I pictured in my mind-$2.50 ramp then stuff and faded from there. Should have used more than 15k shares of size but well....I been doing very well this week by trading aggressively so starting next week I need to keep size under control and focus more on entry rather than chasing I did last couple days and including today on TOPS premarket action. Patience is what you must have in this market!!!

My addiction can't keep me off the market! Just can't do it!!! TOPS just wow...traded it too cowardly
MOSY made $$ then gave back all. That unnatural volume got me long again!!!!!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

2/16_SCON, NOVN, ZSAN_lots of casino trades!

Why the hell I longed after saw 2 buyers exhaustion selloff candle?!!!!!!! Glad realized wrong and cut loss quickly.

Anticipatory approach!!!! deserved the loss from long. Again glad I realized it and flipped short.

The hardest trade of all. Can't deciffer the news and it's the 4th day since the news was released. Choppy action without clear direction either long/short. The best is avoid!!!! I longed initially but after saw big red candle slamdown I quickly got out and flipped short. Nailed the support. Very few play has 1.2m candle mid morning, it first looked about to crack then quickly ramped it up then boom stuffed then pulled. Lots of dramas and emotions occured there!!!! Again avoid avoid avoid!!!! Focus on smooth price action! Everything else avoid!!!

Long trap!!! my unrealized gain started adding up and every indicator is pointing to the upward direction so got me comfortably holding 7k shares. I ignored the time stop so got dumped!!!
then flipped short and made back and more.

the hardest one to trade recently!!!! I am glad I didn't short too early otherwise I must exhaust myself. Lots of manipulation on it and I am pretty sure it won't end nicely. that $3 crack and ramp up is sickening action!!!! But I still remained short biased given the nasty things they been doing-absorbing, sulking and saving it countless times from falling, they must have a bigger plan for this. So I got short some and nailed the pull before the bell. It was literally 3:57pm before it fell off the cliff. Who knows what's gonna happen tomorrow maybe offering maybe not i don't care.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

2/15_EVOK, FNCX, CIDM, NOVN_my size getting absurd!!!

prop to myself adapted to the market and started long premarket then flipped short near the top. But unfortunately turned winner into loser by reshorting too early disregard the momo. It made new high then faded through the day. Shoud have reattack but nope don't wanna headache and the volume seems pretty sustainable.

$4 couldn't hold several times and that should be the time for me to reshort!!! Got busy with NOVN and ignored it. I only have so much mental energy to exploit.

Should have held it just a little longer. Yes bigger relative volume but the subsequent volume never exceeded it.

Biggest gain of the day. Good job but should have held some as it snapped below $3 later.

Headache, exhaustion, frustration comes all at once. Lots of mistakes trading it.
1)Position Size!!! worried of running out of shares so I located 15k shares immediately.
2)started shorting too early at $7 and got squeezed to $8 before peaked out.
3)Due to FOMO reshorted too early without waiting for the volume surge and therefore got squeezed!!! totally totally avoidable!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

2/14_ZAIS, PHMD, SINO, RELV, IMUC_another roller-coaster day~

Didn't really pay attention to signs of danger because I had 4 positions at the same time. Weak pull above VWAP is a big red flag for short!!! But it was too late for me to recognize it and got squeezed. Then $4.50 stuffing multiple times where I got short. Nailed the move and reput shares back on.

Then shit hits the fan just like SINO did yesterday. It broke down then squeezed back up. Glad I paid close attention to "relative volume" and escape from trauma. Then $5 stuffing where I got short and added multiple times and ended up having 25000 shares with $4.80 avg. Nailed the slamdown and went out for lunch thinking the price action will be easy afterwards....but nope, it doesn't want to give me easy time. due to paid pump I still remained short biased but the question is at which lvl I should short without missing the play. I shorted at $4.30 then added at $4.40 thinking $4.40 peak out but it pulled and held higher low then gave another monstrous squeeze all the way to $4.80 before sold off. Definitely not easy to trade. I ruined my average by adding and turned unrealized gain into loss but then reshorted and made some back.

not much headache trad.e

Day2 on SINO. So I sized in with 2 plans: either it held up and made move at the open or stuffed then faded all day. the price action looked weak so I remained shorted and added risking $5.50 over/under.

Why the hell I covered?! I had 4 positions at the same time so trying to reduce no. of stocks to watch.

the outcome is breakeven but lots of mistakes on this one. 1) when it pulled but held above previous top I should have covered all but I didn't. 2) I should have taken larger position and had the courage to hold due to weak retail driven move.

Monday, February 13, 2017

2/13_KBSF, ZSAN, SINO_roller-coaster day!! Unhealthy way to trade&live!!!!! went from +$9k to -$400

Unreal way to start off the day. Up $5k in half hr before shit hits the fan.

2 mistakes here: 1) didn't respect relative volume and stepped in front side of move. 2)after cover I reshorted toooo early into weak bounce and got squeezed!!! Threw patience away and SINO's loss and frustration totally set fire on my mind!

That's how it ended! totally not easy!!! 40m shares traded and traded thick so hard to read!

Surprise move after my cover. Why the hell I shorted into push with bigger "relative volume"?!!!! No excuse!!! I deserved the loss!!!! and not only I shorted but also added 4 times, 3000 shares each time and got squeezed big time!!!!!! fuck myself!!!!! Don't know what I was thinking and doing!!!!

Came back from lunch break and shorted for post 2:30pm profit taken. It did what I wanted but not exactly what I pictured. Ended up only took small portion of the gain. Tough stock to trade!!! Hope we have Day2!

Friday, February 10, 2017

2/10_IMMU, BIOC, KBSF_roller-coaster day!! went from -$5k to +$3k

premarket long with set risk, stop lvl triggered so cut the loss quickly! casino trade but I kept loss under control!

it kept reclaiming so I said fuck it!! Imma out! good trades!

knowing the fact this is piece of short so I kept myself short biased the whole time unless chart says otherwise. My plan was EOD post 2:30pm crack. It did exactly I wanted but the only problem was I couldn't get filled enough once the time was right.

relative volume tells me no short!!! but I got tricked!!! yes the relative says so BUT the price couldn't break above HOD 3 times!!!!! this is 50/50 type of situation. the best is perhaps avoid! After I covered all I flipped long and got dumped!! Choppy stock messed me around. Hard to trade both long and short.

I reshorted due to vwap snap but the price action looked very strange-huge spread and barely selling pressure exist!!! I should have recognized it and covered but I kept waiting waiting waiting but fortunately I covered the most before it absolutely took off!!!!Hadn't I covered my loss could easily balloon to 5-figure!!!!
Heading into late day there are 2 things likely to happen:
1) trend hold and higher low, higher low then BOOM EOD profit taking
2) making new low but reclaimed, so called "crack and grind" action which trapped all shorts then BOOM take off again into EOD spike!
This is perhaps the best trade of the day, I longed 2k shares at $8.6x and again adding liquidity at $8.8 and interestingly whenever I added shares it spiked up 20 cents from my entry!!! That's a very bullish sign!!!!! Especially combo with lower low flushing out weak hands and trapped shorts. I knew it could FLY~~~~~ and it did!!!!!